7 Essentials To Make Perfect SEO Reports For Your Clients

7 Essentials To Make Perfect SEO Reports For Your Clients

Writing reports is a tedious task for many SEO professionals out there and all of us couldn't agree more on this. Indeed, it can be tough to pick out the key information which belongs on a monthly report but what is more tiring is how to present it in a way that will make sense to the client in order to take decisions and change strategies. We at Heal SEO, help agency owners simplify their reporting process with the help of templates and automated reporting. But whether or not you use tools such as AgencyAnalytics as your SEO reporting software, the SEO report pages in this article will surely give you a solid starting point for a comprehensive SEO report for your client. 

Once you have covered all the basics, you can add into it some more information on a case by case basis, depending on each individual client’s requirements, goals and level of involvement. The primary aim here is to create the perfect SEO report for each and every client be it a simple one or sophisticated. So here are seven essentials that you should need to make perfect SEO reports for your clients.

Seven Essentials To Make SEO Reports

1. Conversion Rate And Goal Completion

We agree that all the traffic in the world is great, but it would not get you too far if that traffic is not doing what you want it to do that is, convert. Your clients will likely to be most interested in this metric and hence, conversion rate belongs at the beginning of your SEO report keeping other things aside. Once you know about the exact conversion rate, it will help you better expound the rest of the report as to, again, why it is what it is and how you need to get ahead with it.

2. Traffic Of The Channel

If increasing organic traffic to your client’s website is their main primary goal, then putting traffic at the beginning of your SEO report is a must. You will also want to use the Source Or the Medium section of the traffic report which will give you even more specifics about where the traffic is coming from. This in turn will help you conclude where your client should spend their time, energy and money on.

3. Time On Site And Bounce Rate

This one is really an “extra” metric because such kind of metrics might not be absolutely necessary for any small sized or average company. Time on site and bounce rate basically help give you a detailed insight into whether or not the content you are creating is sticky. All you need to do it pay attention to what sites you are monitoring for bounce rate and time on site and that's it. For instance, if you see that your users leave your landing page right after 5 to 10 seconds, but that landing page has a number of outbound links, then you probably do not need to worry about time on site and bounce rate for that page. You can mention this on your report as it would look just for professional and would give an extra insight to your client that might help them.

4. Page Level Traffic

It is important to know about where your visitors are coming from at this point. However, it is even more important to know where they go in your website. In case someone comes from a Google organic search, that is absolutely great but if you know that they landed on your most recent blog post, that would be even better. This is the report metric that will help your client find trends, behavior, scope of their recent posts and see what people are actually clicking on that is bringing you the traffic. Again, it helps the client know whether or not they need to spend more time enhancing their product page or if perhaps they need to publish more videos and posts on social media and less of content.

5. Page Speed Insights

Now this is time to leave Google Analytics because there is another great Google tool giving a tough competition to Google Analytics that is Page Speed Insights. This free tool available all across the globe, will not only show your clients the speed of their pages but it will also show what needs to be done in order to fix any glitches or slow page loading speed. While this metric may not have been overly imperative in the past times, the success of SEO in today's time surely requires a great user experience which involves Page Speed too.

6. Rankings And Links

While most of the SEO agencies and marketers still report on individual keyword rankings, we believe that it should be done so with some caveats. Using the ranking data as the de facto performance indicator is not really wise no matter how big or small player your client's business organization is. Google shows different results and that is based on a variety of factors. Some of the factors include history, personalization, and where exactly the user is searching from. Although there is still some value in tracking the keyword positions, it should merely be a part of the overall performance reporting and not thr main metric.

Now coming to links, so indeed there are tons of free tools available in market that can help you monitor the links that you are gaining or losing, These free tools can also give you a detailed insight into the competition as well as where there may be SEO opportunities for you so it helps a lot.

7. Future Recommendations And Execution Plan

Finally comes the last point in the list of the essentials. This probably is not something that you would normally think of when you are buried in data and reports. However, you have to trust us on this that a section that shows you data and thought about what to do next is important in any SEO report of business. This is something that will allow your client to move forward. In fact, if there is a best thing that you could do for your client, it would be to have a “recommendation” section at the end of every section or metric of your report that we have discussed above. This is really the main part of the report which will turn your data into something actionable and will be plausible.

Key Takeaways

Creating a process for SEO reporting is literally going to save you hours of every month and that is why we decided to write down an article that consists of seven essentials to make perfect SEO reports for your clients along with some creative SEO Report Ideas. We know that there is a lot of information that you could include and so, we recommend that you create a template that highlights the most important data, while not frustrating your client with extra and not-so-important data. Looking for a sample SEO Report for clients? Feel free to get in touch with us. Also, in case you need more SEO Report Ideas or help in preparing one, do give a ring to us as our SEO experts would be happy to help.